I Matter You Matter We Matter

2023 Class Purpose Statement

Educate, collaborate, empower: We aim to foster inclusivity and amplify the experiences, perseverance and successes of people in academia who are not equitably/fairly welcomed/accommodated in those spaces. Places…

Positionality Map Source

This is the paper where the positionality map exercise originated.

What’s Your Positionality?

How do you really feel in your everyday spaces? Assess your feelings and create your own positionality map.


The quote above was from the 18th Century, a period that coincided with the development of “modern geography,” the enlightenment, science as we think of it today, and…

Creating a Safe Classroom

The Fall 2023 Geographies of Gender course was guided by the below class expectations. In our group conversations, you must raise your hand or indicate your interest to…

Feminist Methodology

Feminist Geography came to be less of a theory and more of a core methodology with a political aspect – feminist methodology is about confronting and changing social…

Feminist Geography – the Roots of Geographies of Gender

Key articles, voices, ideas, and moments in geographical theory sparked the emergence of feminist geography as a subdiscipline. These foundational ideas are the roots of what was to…


From TheSafeZoneProject – https://thesafezoneproject.com/ Identity: Gender identity is who we, in our heads, know ourselves to be, based on what we understand to be the options for gender,…

Lists of Privileges

How might it feel to not have the privileges you do have? How might that change your experience in places and spaces?

Weaving it Forward

One of the things that resonated with me during our talk about non-hierarchical organization was the concept of fractals – that we should be asking, on the most…

The Strange Case of the Missing Female Geographer

One might say that feminism in geography started with this paper here. Consider the opening quote that the author later uses to make some of his points –…

“Girly” vs “Manly” templates in the design process!

One very interesting experience I had witnessed was in the process of creating the social media post. My group partner is women and myself a man, so when…

A Student’s Analysis of a Safe Classroom

Social Construction

Gender is a social construct, not an absolute truth.   Image taken from: https://www.verywellmind.com/  

A Body and a Person

 The sexualization of women, along with the prominent view of women as mothers or potential mothers, shapes a significant amount of the issues women face in society today. …

Safe and Inclusive Spaces

A poster representing inclusivity and safe spaces on TRU campus.

Intersectionality – One Definition

Privilege – One Definition

Positionality Glasses


Gendered Spaces Observation

Summary: During my one-hour grocery shopping trip at Superstore on Tuesday, October 10th, starting at 2 PM, I paid attention to spatial dynamics, particularly with regard to gender….

Prioritize Pleasure for All

Several feminist geographers have posited that sexuality and it gendered social constructions around pleasure are at the core of the patriarchy. Celebrating, encouraging and recognizing the female body…


Marginalization builds up in collective psyches. This can result in what are experienced as “microaggressions.” For example, it is a common experience of socially constructed women to be…

Sexual Harassment in Academia

Sexual harassment in academia is common. This was a research project that gathered experiences of sexual harassment through crowdsourcing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S9KShDLvU7C-KkgEevYTHXr3F6InTenrBsS9yk-8C5M/edit#gid=1530077352

Patriarchy – One Definition

The term, “patriarchy,” like the term, “feminist” can illicit strong feelings and/or confusion. Our challenge in Geographies of Gender was to learn to listen deeply, to challenge our…

Pondering Prompt: Impacts of Gender

One of the great shames of gender stereotypes and social constructions of gender is that if you identify with being a woman, let’s say, and you exhibit traits…

Pondering Prompt

What internal value(s) might a person cultivate to support a greater understanding, awareness, openness, to the experiences of others?

Resisting Social Constructions

Resistance to social structures that encourage competition instead of authentic relationship are challenging, but rewarding. This is an example of such resistance – a collective of individuals in…

Queer Geographies

Queer geographies is another branch stemming from the early days of feminist geography that employs feminist and queer methodologies. Queer experience in academia is also often one of…

Systemic Impacts

Experiencing sexual violence on campus leads to a lack of feeling safe on campus and a reduction in being able to focus, show up, and engage. This is…

Intersections of Gender, Race, and Violence

Example of article exploring how race and gender intersect…

Gendered Gyms

This is an example of a geographies of gender article that focuses on gendered spaces. In this case, it is the gendered nature of gym environments.

Embodied Knowledge

Embodied Knowledge: Refers to how bodies are experienced. The ways people make sense of their experiences, and themselves, cannot be separated from competing and contradictory discourses through which…

Student Reflection

I jumped at the opportunity to sign up for Geographies of Gender course. I knew coming in that course topics such as gendered spaces and positionality were pedegogies…

Geographies of Gender Course Outline Snapshot F2023

Safe Space

Pondering Prompt: What Does it Mean to be Human?

Early feminist geography articles discuss how feminist geographers often approach their research and writing and teaching with the goal of reintroducing what is socially-constructed as “feminist” or “feminine”…

Pondering Prompt: What Makes You, You?

Consider who you are. If you remove external objects, structures, circumstances, who are you in essence? What makes you, you? Are you your personality, or do aspects of…

Sexuality and Communication

Inclusivity – One Definition

Prioritize Pleasure

Discrimination – One Definition

Positionality References

Ferré, M. B., & de Zárate, M. R. (2016). New visual methods for teaching intersectionality from a spatial perspective in a geography and gender course. Journal of Geography…

Safe Spaces Resources in Kamloops

Interior community services safe spaces (for LGBTQIAPS2+ youth aged 12-26) 250-371-3086 https://www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/programs/youth/safe-spaces TRU counselling OM 1631(Monday-Friday) keep.meSAFE (for support outside regular office hours) 1-844-451-9700 sexualized violence prevention &…

bell hooks – a feminist icon

bell hooks was a well known, loved, and respected black feminist author who wrote extensively on the patriarchy and its impacts to all genders.

Inclusivity and Safe Spaces References

Avellaneda, F., Mohr-Avitia, G., Mogro-Wilson, C., Wood, L., & Parrish, D. (2023). Free From Sexual Harassment: Creating Safe Spaces in Academic Environments. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION, 59(3), 593–601. https://doi-org.ezproxy.tru.ca/10.1080/10437797.2023.2244869 …

Gendered Spaces References

Below are the articles that were used to create and inspire the Gendered Spaces poster: Coen, S. E., Rosenberg, M. W., & Davidson, J. (2018). “It’s gym, like…

Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews

https://benschmidt.org/profGender Above is an article that showcases the difference in language used by students when reviewing their male-presenting and female-presenting professors, demonstrating that gendered spaces can be physical…