From TheSafeZoneProject –

Identity: Gender identity is who we, in our heads, know ourselves to be, based on what we understand to be the options for gender, and how much we align (or don’t align) with one of those options. Gender identity is our psychological sense of gender.

Attraction: Attraction is the different ways we feel pulled to other people, often categorized based on our gender and the gender of those we feel drawn to. This categorization is referred to as sexual orientation.

Sex: Sex, here referring to anatomical sex, refers to the physical makeup of our bodies, and specifically all the body parts we’ve named as sex characteristics — both the primary traits we’re born with, and the secondary that we might develop later in life.

Expression: Gender expression is all the different ways we present ourselves through our actions, our clothing, and our demeanor, and the gendered ways those presentations are socially interpreted.